Sporting Areas
Tennis & Hockey Courts
Please help us keep our courts in good condition. No snow shoveling allowed on courts due to damage caused to the surface. The courts will be locked when snow and ice have accumulated. When ALL the courts are clear, then the courts will be unlocked.
Smoky Hill Metro District Court Rules
Court and Rink Usage
- Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
- Absolutely no snow shoveling allowed on the courts.
- Use courts at own risk
- Please keep courts clean
- Tennis shoes only, no black soled shoes
- No bicycles, skateboards, roller blades (roller blades on hockey rink only)
- No food, glass, tobacco products, or alcohol on courts
- No animals allowed on courts.
- No climbing or sitting on fences
Playing Etiquette
- Show common courtesy and respect for all players
- No unsportsmanlike conduct
- Profanity is prohibited
- Drop in/open play open to all ages and skill levels
- Doubles games takes precedence over singles
- When courts are occupied, place paddles/racquets in single file along fence
- Limit play to 30 minutes if others are waiting
- Do not hang on rim
Roller Hockey Rink
- No sitting on boards
- No hanging on goals
- The use of Ice Hockey Pucks or similar hard rubber pucks is PROHIBITED