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The Smoky Hill Metropolitan District is a public governmental entity and political subdivision of the State of Colorado. Established in 1976 by vote of the property owners/developers, the District was formed to finance the installation of parks and recreation facilities, exterior fencing, landscaping, roadways and drainage facilities within the Smoky Hill 400 Subdivision, as well as provide for ongoing maintenance and operation of these parks and other facilities. All of the parks, most of the streets and other facilities, including the swimming pool, were financed through bond issues, which will be paid off by 2010.

The most visible operations of the District are:

  1. Its parks maintenance program, carried out by District employees; and
  2. Operation of the neighborhood swimming pool, managed by a pool management company. Aside from parks and the Clubhouse/swimming pool, the District’s other notable assets are the uniform exterior boundary fences.

The District is run by a five member Board of Directors, publicly-elected by registered voters, who either own property or reside in the District—whose boundaries coincide with the Smoky Hill 400 Subdivision. Directors are elected for staggered terms of four years, with elections held every two years, in even numbered years.

As a public entity, the District is required to conduct its affairs and carry out its business according to State statutes. For example, the Board is annually required to adopt a budget for expenditures which allows for imposition of property taxes to pay for District operations. The District’s financial operations are also subject to an annual audit by an independent auditor.

District meetings are held monthly on the fourth Monday of the month at the Clubhouse, located at 5405 South Telluride Street, Centennial, Colorado and are open to the public. With certain very limited exceptions, all District business is conducted in open meetings.

As a public entity, the District should not be confused with the private Smoky Hill Homeowners’ Association (HOA), which was created by protective covenants established by the developers of the Smoky Hill 400 Subdivision. It is the HOA, not the District, which is responsible for enforcing protective covenants in the neighborhood. The District is responsible for maintaining the parks and rights-of-way, as well as operating the swimming pool. While these two entities are separate, one being private (the HOA), the other being public (the District), they subscribe to the philosophy of “two boards, one goal.” The governing bodies of these respective organizations cooperate and share a common goal of maintaining the appearance and livability of the neighborhood for the benefit of all residents and for the benefit of property values for all homeowners.